地形狹長的東北,從4月初一直到5月初皆可欣賞到櫻花的美麗姿態。放眼望去山上的融雪與在山間的村落中齊放的櫻花所構成的風景就像幅畫。每年最佳的賞櫻期約在4月中旬到5月初,多數的旅人也會趁著這段期間造訪東北。With its extended geographical length from south to north, Tohoku allows visitors to enjoy cherry blossoms from early April all the way to early May. Abounding with water from the melted snow, mountain hamlets burst with scenes of blooming flowers as pretty as a painting. Many visitors time their trips to coincide with the cherry blossom season, which usually lasts from mid-April to early May.